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So I noticed that after it was done they were assigned to the proper placement, but it got messed up before it got done and only about 1/5th of the entire collection was transferred, but I ended up with less titles on my iPad than on my PC so I had to restore my entire iPad. Is it really worth it to risk trying to do it again if I just end up having to restore my iPad again? | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 19188 |
So I tried this, but before I canceled it several titles were uploaded. The problem is that titles I have on my wishlist ended up on owned instead. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 19188 |
I was able to connect now. Thank you greyghost. I’m not really sure how to sync now. How do I do that? | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 19188 |
I can't find Local network on the iPad app settings. Otherwise I seem to have been doing everything correctly. There's one thing that I've been curious about. It seems like a couple of titles (which I’ve checked on the Windows software and I can find them by searching), just refuse to show up when I search on the iOS apps, or to be more specific, Blu-Ray and 4K editions of them. I’m talking about the original Mean Girls and the musical remake. Has anyone else here noticed something like this? Edit: The issue with both Mean Girls movies seem to have affected a few more. I also can’t find Carrie or any of the Scanner Cop movies unless I turn off Blu-Ray and 4K. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 19188 |
Yeah, I have. I went through everything that I'm supposed to do. As far as I can see DVDProfiler should be let through the firewall as well. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 19188 |
Quoting nanoron:
Quote: You have to have the Windows version of DVD Profiler running on your PC before you can sync to it from the iOS version. In the Windows version, select "Synchronize with DVD Profiler Mobile" in the File menu and follow the diections.
I tried this many times, I never managed to get connected to the PC version. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 19188 |
Quoting drvrjon:
Quote: @vicious_boy
you get the lan ip of your pc that has dvdprofiler installed then you go to your ipad or iphone and find the setting where you can put the ip address of your pc and then you have it sink while profiler is open on pc as well as in ios. you may need to put a user/pass in profiler on pc and add that in ios as well
Nothing happened when I tried this. I'm so close to just giving up on everything here tbh. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 19188 |
Quoting nanoron:
Quote: Here's what I did after experiencing your exact problem. I don't know if it changed things but here it is. I connected my iiPad directly to my PC and synced. I then uploaded to the online database from my PC. I then downloaded it to my iPhone. Everything seemed to work on my iPhone so I tried again downloading and uploading from my iPad to the online database and it worked.
I just have to ask, how do I sync when connecting directly to my PC? Casue I can't find any way to do that, just by sharing and I can't seem to connect that way. | Posted: Topic Replies: 49, Topic Views: 19188 |