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Disciplinary Proposal (Locked)
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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar Contributorlyonsden5
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Quoting mreeder50:
OK, I'm done. I have wasted entirely to many hours reading this constant ongoing bashing and p---ing contest, just to read the occasional decent post. And I do mean occasional. I'll come back once in a while to see if things change...yeah, right. I will check my subscription threads and if I need help, I'll use a google search. Invelos should change the logo to "invelos" with a tag line "Babies R Us". There, now I'm no better than anyone else with all the negativity that gets thrown around.

On the positive side, there are several users who always try to put a positive spin on their posts, but even they have to waste a lot of time pleading with others to stop. Eventually we all get fed up and join in the fray. Good luck with that.



Soo long. Yet another one gone. but yet another one who see standing up to bullying as childish. So be it.

Perhaps if everyone who simply wants us all to "just get along" leaves Ken will have to actually do something with those of us who are left.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorCharlieM
Registered Sept 5 2005
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Quoting lyonsden5:
The fact that one user can tell another user to "go to hell" and the post remains speaks loud and clear as to what is acceptable behavior.

I should clarify... acceptable behavior for some users.

@CharlieM. Your post is part of the problem whether you want to admit it or not. When someone who defends himself against an unprovoked attack yet does so without attacking back is still lumped in with the attacker and in addition is called a child there is no hope.

I'll just come out and say what many have been tip-toeing around (even though we all know what is being said).
There is a problem here. The problem is one self righteous bully. His name is Maurice. He is involved in 99% of every fight and my guess is 100% of every locked thread. There is not one other member who falls into that category. The few times the bully has been banned things are better. People disagree but it remains civil. Like it or not that is a fact. Am I calling for him to be banned? It doesn't matter. That's not my call. IF someone asked if I felt the atmosphere here would be better without him I would have to answer yes. It has been proven more than once. Others have been banned as well but for the most part they weren't even missed during their absence as many of us take breaks from posting. But when someone who posts 16 times a day and at least half of them are arguments with someone stops posting it does make a difference.

I will also gladly suffer any consequences for stating what so many have just hinted towards. At least Invelos would be doing SOMETHING!

In all realism, how does it sound?

The Child argument
"He started it, I am only defending myself"
"No he started it, and I am only responding in kind"
"I am not stopping until they stop"

The crying to mommy syndrome
"Ken, please do something about this"
"Moderators, please lock"
"Moderators, please remove above posts"

Those of you with more than 1 child will know what I am talking about. 

Yes this post and my last post may very well be part of the problem, but this has to stop.  If we are mature adults like we claim, then we can resolve this.

There is arrogance on all sides.  There are people that look for fights, there are people that bait and/or instigate.

Everybody says they will stop, and that lasts for about 2 posts, then it starts again.  The people involved have no desire to stop, and that is the problem.

So if you don't like the term children, then get off the play ground and come inside with the adults.  We can talk.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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Quoting lyonsden5:
Quoting mreeder50:
OK, I'm done. I have wasted entirely to many hours reading this constant ongoing bashing and p---ing contest, just to read the occasional decent post. And I do mean occasional. I'll come back once in a while to see if things change...yeah, right. I will check my subscription threads and if I need help, I'll use a google search. Invelos should change the logo to "invelos" with a tag line "Babies R Us". There, now I'm no better than anyone else with all the negativity that gets thrown around.

On the positive side, there are several users who always try to put a positive spin on their posts, but even they have to waste a lot of time pleading with others to stop. Eventually we all get fed up and join in the fray. Good luck with that.



Soo long. Yet another one gone. but yet another one who see standing up to bullying as childish. So be it.

Perhaps if everyone who simply wants us all to "just get along" leaves Ken will have to actually do something with those of us who are left.

That's a joke, right Rick, in your hatred of me and your desperate desire to ban me, you have been a party to a user leaving, yet you will not accept your own responsibility for it. I am sorry to see reeder leave and I apologize to him for the part that I clearly played in his decision. But trying to claim me the bully is simply trying to not see your own bullying tactics and that of others like yourself. I am enbarrased for you, rick, absolutely a pathetic display.                 I also agree that there is childish behavior here, rick, go look in the mirror.
CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
 Last edited: by Winston Smith
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorCharlieM
Registered Sept 5 2005
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Quoting lyonsden5:
Quoting mreeder50:
OK, I'm done. I have wasted entirely to many hours reading this constant ongoing bashing and p---ing contest, just to read the occasional decent post. And I do mean occasional. I'll come back once in a while to see if things change...yeah, right. I will check my subscription threads and if I need help, I'll use a google search. Invelos should change the logo to "invelos" with a tag line "Babies R Us". There, now I'm no better than anyone else with all the negativity that gets thrown around.

On the positive side, there are several users who always try to put a positive spin on their posts, but even they have to waste a lot of time pleading with others to stop. Eventually we all get fed up and join in the fray. Good luck with that.



Soo long. Yet another one gone. but yet another one who see standing up to bullying as childish. So be it.

Perhaps if everyone who simply wants us all to "just get along" leaves Ken will have to actually do something with those of us who are left.

To be honest, he could probably drop the forums, and deal with people on a one to one basis, and still be quite comfortable.

I think Ken sits back and watches the forums, and laughs at what he sees.

DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantIronWaffle
Since April 26, 2001
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Prefatory note:  I apologize in advance if this offends anyone or betrays a lack of knowledge. 


I'm not aiming this at anyone.  But this nebulous "others" keeps getting pointed at.  I'm not so skilled at breaking up quotes so let me just tackle your main points (avoiding a numbered list because it feels schoolmarmish!):

Professional(ish) and civil is all anyone can ask for. 

I've seen the pattern for many years.  I'm no newb.  I don't see it as a group thing, but there are some key players being pointed at.  I believe that if the fingers can stop being pointed then maybe there can be progress.  So those who are being pointed at (not by me, but by the party in question) should be identified -- NOT PUBLICLY -- so that their names can be crossed of the list [man, wasn't that great when Jacob said that it's just chalk on a... never mind... I'm digressing into enthusiast mode instead of risking being lumped into something].  The goal is not some dressing down, but disarming.

I agree that the past is being selectively brought up and dismissed.  I believe that people are testing the peace before it has a chance to happen.  Bygones cannot be bygones just by saying so.  The first step -- and I apologize if I sound condescending or know-it-all or "who the f- is this to say..." but I'm just trying to communicate as best as I can -- is to turn another cheek.  From my personal experience I don't see any other way.  Civility will follow, even if folks don't start inviting each other for bbq's or take down their dartboards with each others' avatars on them.

I'm not directly familiar with the SRP thing or genre issues.  One reason:  I don't contribute.  Why not?  Well, I question if I'd remain civil.  Plus, that's not the kind of detail I'm great with.  I might turn The Database into hash browns.  What I do know is there's a long history and it seems to come up a couple times a year.  Regarding his grudges:  I believe skip parses his words; in his mind they are not grudges, but in his actions they are.  That is a disconnect that I expect will draw fire, but hope not.  It is an observation built on years of reading posts daily.  Regarding "go to hell" or similarly toned comments, I find them unacceptable no matter who says them.  They should be moderated and rather than just deleted, there should be a brief, even one sentence, explanation of what was removed (language, hateful speech, general douchiness, whatever).

This public display only serves to taint the waters.  In my opinion.

And it is a valid opinion, also spot on.

I'll leave that quote in because it's nice to me.  Sue me!


Watched it last night myself. Fantastic,

Actually, I watched it last night instead of reading this thread.  Today I plan on watching the doc.  I'm annoyed that it took a decade for this to come out and all it comes with is a single documentary, but that's another thread altogether.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
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I've said that before myself, Charlie.

My own feeling is that if it weren't so pathetic, it would be hysterically funny.
CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantmediadogg
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Quoting lyonsden5:
Perhaps if everyone who simply wants us all to "just get along" leaves Ken will have to actually do something with those of us who are left.

I suspect that, being the good businessman that he is, Ken will let the winds blow out the flames, while he focuses on his revenue stream and his products.

I doubt that this Forum, and its regular participants really impact his business all that much. If it did, trust me, we would know. Whole threads would disappear without notice, users would disappear without notice, lots of things could happen - before he would let the Forum impact his cash flow. I mean, he could trash the whole thing and start over if needed.

This Forum is an accomodation by a very tolerant businessman. I think it is unwise for us to make negative commnents impuning his motives or actions. Just how much time do you we really want Ken to focus on this? IMHO - not much.
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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar Contributorlyonsden5
Hello old friends!
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Quoting Prof. Kingsfield:
Quoting lyonsden5:
Quoting mreeder50:
OK, I'm done. I have wasted entirely to many hours reading this constant ongoing bashing and p---ing contest, just to read the occasional decent post. And I do mean occasional. I'll come back once in a while to see if things change...yeah, right. I will check my subscription threads and if I need help, I'll use a google search. Invelos should change the logo to "invelos" with a tag line "Babies R Us". There, now I'm no better than anyone else with all the negativity that gets thrown around.

On the positive side, there are several users who always try to put a positive spin on their posts, but even they have to waste a lot of time pleading with others to stop. Eventually we all get fed up and join in the fray. Good luck with that.



Soo long. Yet another one gone. but yet another one who see standing up to bullying as childish. So be it.

Perhaps if everyone who simply wants us all to "just get along" leaves Ken will have to actually do something with those of us who are left.

That's a joke, right Rick, in your hatred of me and your desperate desire to ban me, you have been a party to a user leaving, yet you will not accept your own responsibility for it. I am sorry to see reeder leave and I apologize to him for the part that I clearly played in his decision. But trying to claim me the bully is simply trying to not see your own bullying tactics and that of others like yourself. I am enbarrased for you, rick, absolutely a pathetic display.                 I also agree that there is childish behavior here, rick, go look in the mirror.

If that's how Ken sees it then he should get rid of both of us.

You are a bully. Denying it doesn't change it. I'll not dwell on it though as everyone here already knows it. I just felt it needed to be said. I'm tired of the "this user" crap.

Still can't believe it's OK to tell someone to "go to hell". Provoked or not. So where does happy funtime off fit into the grand scheme of things I wonder ?   (guess I'll find out) 
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
Don't be discommodious
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Quoting mediadogg:
Quoting lyonsden5:
Perhaps if everyone who simply wants us all to "just get along" leaves Ken will have to actually do something with those of us who are left.

I suspect that, being the good businessman that he is, Ken will let the winds blow out the flames, while he focuses on his revenue stream and his products.

I doubt that this Forum, and its regular participants really impact his business all that much. If it did, trust me, we would know. Whole threads would disappear without notice, users would disappear without notice, lots of things could happen - before he would let the Forum impact his cash flow. I mean, he could trash the whole thing and start over if needed.

This Forum is an accomodation by a very tolerant businessman. I think it is unwise for us to make negative commnents impuning his motives or actions. Just how much time do you we really want Ken to focus on this? IMHO - not much.

CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar Contributorlyonsden5
Hello old friends!
Registered: March 13, 2007
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Quoting mediadogg:
Quoting lyonsden5:
Perhaps if everyone who simply wants us all to "just get along" leaves Ken will have to actually do something with those of us who are left.

I suspect that, being the good businessman that he is, Ken will let the winds blow out the flames, while he focuses on his revenue stream and his products.

I doubt that this Forum, and its regular participants really impact his business all that much. If it did, trust me, we would know. Whole threads would disappear without notice, users would disappear without notice, lots of things could happen - before he would let the Forum impact his cash flow. I mean, he could trash the whole thing and start over if needed.

This Forum is an accomodation by a very tolerant businessman. I think it is unwise for us to make negative commnents impuning his motives or actions. Just how much time do you we really want Ken to focus on this? IMHO - not much.

But has been pointed out it has impacted his revenue stream. Like it or not the forum is the online face of DVDP, and it is a joke.
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorWinston Smith
Don't be discommodious
Registered: March 13, 2007
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Quoting lyonsden5:
Quoting Prof. Kingsfield:
Quoting lyonsden5:
Quoting mreeder50:
OK, I'm done. I have wasted entirely to many hours reading this constant ongoing bashing and p---ing contest, just to read the occasional decent post. And I do mean occasional. I'll come back once in a while to see if things change...yeah, right. I will check my subscription threads and if I need help, I'll use a google search. Invelos should change the logo to "invelos" with a tag line "Babies R Us". There, now I'm no better than anyone else with all the negativity that gets thrown around.

On the positive side, there are several users who always try to put a positive spin on their posts, but even they have to waste a lot of time pleading with others to stop. Eventually we all get fed up and join in the fray. Good luck with that.



Soo long. Yet another one gone. but yet another one who see standing up to bullying as childish. So be it.

Perhaps if everyone who simply wants us all to "just get along" leaves Ken will have to actually do something with those of us who are left.

That's a joke, right Rick, in your hatred of me and your desperate desire to ban me, you have been a party to a user leaving, yet you will not accept your own responsibility for it. I am sorry to see reeder leave and I apologize to him for the part that I clearly played in his decision. But trying to claim me the bully is simply trying to not see your own bullying tactics and that of others like yourself. I am enbarrased for you, rick, absolutely a pathetic display.                 I also agree that there is childish behavior here, rick, go look in the mirror.

If that's how Ken sees it then he should get rid of both of us.

You are a bully. Denying it doesn't change it. I'll not dwell on it though as everyone here already knows it. I just felt it needed to be said. I'm tired of the "this user" crap.

Still can't believe it's OK to tell someone to "go to hell". Provoked or not. So where does happy funtime off fit into the grand scheme of things I wonder ?   (guess I'll find out) 

No, Rick you are one of the bullies. Nothing but a pack of junkyard dogs, ganging up on one user, this is common playground behavior by bullies, Rick. So as I have said so many times before look to your OWN behavior before trying to smear ANYONE else. I am a lot older than you are son.

I laugh at your reference to happy funtime, you and others deprived ME of that long ago, why do I care about your happy funtime. You are insulting beyond belief, Rick, but that said and as I have said many times my hand is out, and I am willing to let bygones be bygones. You apparently are niot and that says a whole lot more about YOU negatively than it does me.
CBE, MBE, MoA and proud of it.
Outta here

Billy Video
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This thread has devolved into a back-and-forth which isn't helping anyone.
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