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Why Do People Breakdown Box Sets into Individual Discs?
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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantdpierce
Registered: April 10, 2007
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Quoting Kathy:
Quoting Srehtims:

You gor some sort of size problem? .

Juvenile I know but…    

Srehtims, Kathy, I don't believe I have a problem with the size of another persons collection.  Do you feel my question comes across that way?  I felt I had posed the question with sensitivity enough to thwart comments such as this, but I apologize for the assumption.

I ask a simple question without intending offence.  I would like to hear more from people concerning this.  The question is quite elementary in depth.  I am happy to see that most took the question as it was intended.  Most replies so far have been very pleasant and offered constructive input.

It seems to me so far that most are entering DVDs just as i would, but still others offer good reasons as to why they do things a bit differently.  And for those people it works best for them to structure their lists in other ways.  There's no one "right" way to do it, and I'm not so self absorbed to think my way is better then the next persons.

It's your DVD collection, do with it as you wish.  Who really cares how many Dvds you might have.  If you want to know the truth I would much rather have a new car then 3,000 DVDs.  Heck, I'd rather spend a few months in Europe for that matter.  I never even thought about collecting DVDs till one day I noticed the stack of movies was growing out of control.  All just from the few movies I would pick up here and there.  For me, it's not even a hobby.  I just have a problem handing over $4 or more to Blockbuster when a few dollars more buys the movie outright.

Kathy (And Everyone Else For That Matter), I would ask one thing of you before you fire a reply back a comment...  Look at "Srehtims" DVD Collection list and then look at your own.  I would much rather read down your list for a movie then I would his.  I may not understand why he chooses to enter DVDs in that way, but he has found that it works best for him.  There''s nothing wrong with it.  I just wanted to understand "why" it is that people are doing it here.  Sorry to pick on you Srehtims, your post just happen to be close by when looking for examples...no hard feelings I hope.  :-)

If someone feels threatened by the very question raised here, then perhaps they should ask themselves "why" and maybe think for a moment before posting.  As you can see by glancing at my profile, I don't really get into this whole chat thing.  I contribute DVD profiles when necessary and try to visit the Announcements board here at least once a month for word from Ken.

I have taken the time to post a sincere question, it was that I truly wanted an answer to my question, and frankly thought it would be an interesting topic.  I most definitely did not wanted to incite snide or juvenile remarks. 

DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantdpierce
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Quoting djskyler:
Quoting dpierce:
Then you look again and they actually have about half that because they are fudging the numbers.

Yes, I am expanding my "numbers" by counting the discs rather than the box.  But since most releases are single-disc, I would estimate it increases the collection number by 12% at most, not "doubling" by any stretch.
I like to break down my collection to showcase as many of the film titles as possible.  I want people to see online what movies I have.  And for my database on my computer, the more profiles you have, the more searchable data there is.
I have no goals about the number, it would be in my better interest to downplay my collection number, since people close to me tend to criticize the extent of my DVD collection.  Come to think of it, I think I will un-number the TV discs and renumber the collection.
UPDATE:  Changing all the TV box sets to single numbers pulled back my collection total by 9% 

Now THAT was funny.  I know what you mean.  I have a friend who thinks I'm absolutely crazy for buying DVDs as I do.  I tell him "what the heck, I don't do drugs and I drink once a month if I'm lucky.  I have no other vices so leave me be!"  :-)

By the way, perhaps "Fudging" was a poor choice in words.  Fudging implies that something is being done wrong, and that is not how I intended it to come out.  I only meant that it isn't an accurate measure of the number of actual movies in the collection.

I do agree with the need to separate some box sets and television series set though.  I just want others take on this.  And most definitely that the more profiles you have, the more  data there is to search (and find).
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorDJ Doena
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Additionaly I seperated my movies from my TV shows (and related) by using the numbers < 1000 for movies and > 1000 for TV shows and related. If I would number every disc of a TV set, my collection number would easily be doubled (from 600 something to 1200 something), my "Xena" box alone (counted as 1) has 36 discs.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorKathy
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Quoting dpierce:

I have taken the time to post a sincere question, it was that I truly wanted an answer to my question, and frankly thought it would be an interesting topic.  I most definitely did not wanted to incite snide or juvenile remarks. 


Certain phrases, pictures, etc. crack me up – I laughed when I read the posting and shared that. It was not directed towards you or your topic and was not meant to be snide or insulting. I’m sorry.
DVD Profiler Unlimited Registrantrorschach999
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im one of those sad pepole who has to have both the individual titles and the boxed set - yes that means i sometimes have more than one copy of the title but its the way i've always done it

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DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile RegistrantStar ContributorAiAustria
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Quoting dpierce:
I just want to point something out and ask peoples opinions about box sets and how some people are breaking them down to each and every disc.


Simple answer: I like some sort of tidyness; Coming out of a database world I like it to be correct AND detailed. If I'd designed the database, I would have added another hirarchy for features (eg BoxSet -> Disc -> Feature, Movie, Episode)...

I try to split up titles to box sets whereever I can, to get as much information into (and later out of) the database. It's relevant to me, which guest stars I can find in which episode on which disc of a TV series for instance... Or how long episodes or different cuts of movies are running...

Numbering the discs is quite irrelevant to me, although I don't number box sets. I'm storing the disc alphabetically - resorting them from time to time...

I'm thinking about splitting up the whole database into one for movies and one for the rest (TV, music, etc.). But I'm struggling with such small things like headshots or crosslinking of actors. Thinking about this, I'd like to have a fourth dimension: Collection -> Title/Box Set -> Disc -> Feature/Movie/Episode.

Dreaming of a better world ;-)
Complete list of Common Names  •  A good point for starting with Headshots (and v11.2)
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorSrehtims
Registered: March 13, 2007
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There are mega set with five (5) or more seasons in them. Without child profiles it makes it unmanageable for cast and crew lists, even one season is a idiotic in my opinion.

That's the way my data base is and it will remain that way. I'll eventually get around completing all of the TV series. If the rules confects with the way I want my db to be doesn't bother me one damn bit.

But what I contribute I try to follow the rules. That's all you should worry about.
We don't need stinkin' IMDB's errors, we make our own.
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DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantStar ContributorSrehtims
Registered: March 13, 2007
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Owned Total Profiles 7141

TV Series Profiles
Total: 2828
TV Series Box Sets: 835
TV Series Box Set Members: 1993

TV Mini-Series Box Sets: 124
TV Mini-Series Box Set Members: 202
TV Mini-Series Non Box Sets: 64

Total TV Documentary: 72
TV Documentary Box Sets: 17
TV Documentary Box Set Members: 45
TV Documentary Non Box Sets: 10

Total Non TV: 3764
Non TV: 3528
Non TV Box Sets: 236
Non TV Box Set Members: 835

How did determine those numbers, simply by using tags
I have tags for box  sets, box set member, TV. genre, etc.
Under TV I have child tags for documentary, movies, music, mini series, TV series. etc.
Under music I have child tags for the types of music dvds.

By using the "and" and "or" settings you get intersection or inclusion of tagged items. You can determine how many dvds in any category.
Click on a tag, you get the total. Double click on a tag, it removes those tagged items from the count.

it's also easier to create different dbs if you like. I keep one TV series and min-series, movies, test.

By excluding TV and box sets, I get an alphabetic list of movies, even the ones in the box set are listed in alphabtic order.
We don't need stinkin' IMDB's errors, we make our own.
Ineptocracy, You got to love it.
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln
DVD Profiler Unlimited RegistrantSailorRipley
That was Zen, this is Tao
Registered: May 9, 2007
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Quoting dpierce:

I have taken the time to post a sincere question, it was that I truly wanted an answer to my question, and frankly thought it would be an interesting topic.  I most definitely did not wanted to incite snide or juvenile remarks. 


Quoting Kathy:
Certain phrases, pictures, etc. crack me up – I laughed when I read the posting and shared that. It was not directed towards you or your topic and was not meant to be snide or insulting. I’m sorry.

Oh dear, guess I'm included.

Well, I laughed, probably because pretty much I was thinking on the exact same thing as Kathy. But trust me, totally unrelated! No offense intended at all. Throughout all my school life I got into huge trouble for laughing when I wasn't supposed to. Guess some things will never change!   
Funny, these cookies don't taste anything like Girl Scouts.

DVD Collection
 Last edited: by SailorRipley
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantdpierce
Registered: April 10, 2007
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Quoting DJ Doena:
Additionaly I seperated my movies from my TV shows (and related) by using the numbers < 1000 for movies and > 1000 for TV shows and related. If I would number every disc of a TV set, my collection number would easily be doubled (from 600 something to 1200 something), my "Xena" box alone (counted as 1) has 36 discs.

Hmm.. that's good idea too.  That way I could order by collection number to easily find music videos or TV show DVDs.  I've been wondering how I was going to do that.  thanks for the idea!
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantdpierce
Registered: April 10, 2007
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Quoting Kathy:
Quoting dpierce:

I have taken the time to post a sincere question, it was that I truly wanted an answer to my question, and frankly thought it would be an interesting topic.  I most definitely did not wanted to incite snide or juvenile remarks. 


Certain phrases, pictures, etc. crack me up – I laughed when I read the posting and shared that. It was not directed towards you or your topic and was not meant to be snide or insulting. I’m sorry.

Thank you for that Kathy, and I apologize for being overly sensitive.  It's hard to read peoples posts in the proper context as they were intended.  One of my personal problems when conversing through email also.  People tend to not give me the benefit of the doubt and assume I'm being confrontational, rude, or perhaps to serious..  I don't know, but it was nice of you to say that, I appreciate it.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantdpierce
Registered: April 10, 2007
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Quoting rorschach999:
im one of those sad pepole who has to have both the individual titles and the boxed set - yes that means i sometimes have more than one copy of the title but its the way i've always done it

Sad?  Absolutely not.  I do that too for movies I really like.  I hate the fact that I buy a special expanded edition one week and they come out with a Super Deluxe Expanded edition the next.  I think I'm replaced 10-20 Dvds so far with other releases.  I'm building up my friends collection that way though and he love that fact that I fall for the upgrade trap.  He has a term he uses for people who constantly look for newer versions of things they already own, and I'm not sure if it's appropriate to say it here.  But I'm sure the moderator will blot it out if now.  He calls them "Upgrade Whores"  and I hate it when he calls me that, but I can't deny it :-)
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantdpierce
Registered: April 10, 2007
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Quoting AiAustria:
Quoting dpierce:
I just want to point something out and ask peoples opinions about box sets and how some people are breaking them down to each and every disc.


Simple answer: I like some sort of tidyness; Coming out of a database world I like it to be correct AND detailed. If I'd designed the database, I would have added another hirarchy for features (eg BoxSet -> Disc -> Feature, Movie, Episode)...

I try to split up titles to box sets whereever I can, to get as much information into (and later out of) the database. It's relevant to me, which guest stars I can find in which episode on which disc of a TV series for instance... Or how long episodes or different cuts of movies are running...

Numbering the discs is quite irrelevant to me, although I don't number box sets. I'm storing the disc alphabetically - resorting them from time to time...

I'm thinking about splitting up the whole database into one for movies and one for the rest (TV, music, etc.). But I'm struggling with such small things like headshots or crosslinking of actors. Thinking about this, I'd like to have a fourth dimension: Collection -> Title/Box Set -> Disc -> Feature/Movie/Episode.

Dreaming of a better world ;-)

You know, I've been thinking about this for a while and I have always wanted the program to have an alternate view I could display the DVDs in that would put them in a tree list view by category.  You know?  The same way you now click on the thumbnail or list view, but this way would allow you to click a "plus" symbol next to lets say "Comedy" or Music" to display only those DVDs.  I guess something like you find on eBay are a DVD movie site would be nice.  Someone told me that I can simply run a report to list a particular genre, but who wants to do that every time?  Not me.

I still haven't tried that head-shot thing.  Exactly 'what' is that?  just showing a picture of the actors somewhere?  Is that built into DVD Profiler too?  Is it something that the online download updates for you when you refresh images or profiles?  Sorry to get off topic here.  You can email me directly if you don't feel it's appropriate to post a response here.  Thanks for your comments.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantdpierce
Registered: April 10, 2007
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Quoting Srehtims:
There are mega set with five (5) or more seasons in them. Without child profiles it makes it unmanageable for cast and crew lists, even one season is a idiotic in my opinion.

That's the way my data base is and it will remain that way. I'll eventually get around completing all of the TV series. If the rules confects with the way I want my db to be doesn't bother me one damn bit.

But what I contribute I try to follow the rules. That's all you should worry about.

Your fine the way your ding thing, for sure.  I just appreciate the fact your contributing at all :-)  I respect your way and your right to do things as you see fit.  Your list is easier for me to read once I put it in a "by title" list.  I first saw it in a numbered? list I think.  I try to get those mega pack DVDs too, so I know where your coming from there.  One in particular that I just don't know how to list to make it search friendly is my "Transformers Generation 1" Tin it's 4 seasons and a bunch of bonus discs.  I've been considering separating that one at least.

On a side note, I know your in Chandler and it would be a far way to go, but I found a few great pawn shops in downtown Phoenix that are selling Dvds mega cheap.  I lived there in Arizona for 15 years, and recently moved here to Charlotte May of 2006.  Amigos Pawn on Central, and Central Pawn.  Central Pawn has more Dvds but they are $5-$6 where Amigos Pawn is like $4-$5.  I know it's only a buck, but you might as well stop by them before going to the other.  I like going to the pawn shops for DVDs that have been out for a while.  It's worked out well for me at least.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantdpierce
Registered: April 10, 2007
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Quoting SailorRipley:
Quoting dpierce:

I have taken the time to post a sincere question, it was that I truly wanted an answer to my question, and frankly thought it would be an interesting topic.  I most definitely did not wanted to incite snide or juvenile remarks. 


Quoting Kathy:
Certain phrases, pictures, etc. crack me up – I laughed when I read the posting and shared that. It was not directed towards you or your topic and was not meant to be snide or insulting. I’m sorry.

Oh dear, guess I'm included.

Well, I laughed, probably because pretty much I was thinking on the exact same thing as Kathy. But trust me, totally unrelated! No offense intended at all. Throughout all my school life I got into huge trouble for laughing when I wasn't supposed to. Guess some things will never change!   

Thanks :-)  I'm right there with ya.  I was voted class clown and best excuse giver in 8th and 9th grade.  My mother didnt like that to much though.  I just saw the absurd in everyday things.  You sound charmingly charismatic.
DVD Profiler Desktop and Mobile Registrantdpierce
Registered: April 10, 2007
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Quoting Srehtims:
Owned Total Profiles 7141

How did determine those numbers, simply by using tags.  I have tags for box  sets, box set member, TV. genre, etc.  Under TV I have child tags for documentary, movies, music, mini series, TV series. etc.
Under music I have child tags for the types of music dvds.  By using the "and" and "or" settings you get intersection or inclusion of tagged items. You can determine how many dvds in any category.
Click on a tag, you get the total. Double click on a tag, it removes those tagged items from the count.  it's also easier to create different dbs if you like. I keep one TV series and min-series, movies, test.  By excluding TV and box sets, I get an alphabetic list of movies, even the ones in the box set are listed in alphabtic order.

I guess I still have a lot to learn and explore in the program.  I didnt realize I could do all that.
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