Just for clarification, This "after" script is for organzing the output of the awesome TViX plugin (that has been updated to now be a TViX and Dune pluging). My script will leverage the capabilities of that plugin to organize the icon/media folders and prepare them for hosting and streaming to a Dune player. The TViX and Dune are media streamers for those of us who like to keep our originals safely stored and to watch our videos like a jukebox, selecting which ones from a menu and starting playback w/o ever leaving our seats

. You do not need my after script, you can use the plugin natively and just add your own dune_folder.txt file (no such need for using the icon browsing on a TViX).
That aside, here is the promised, and seriously late, update, to use genres for categorizing DVDs. It is a small change, so I am only going to post the additions

Change this block (only added 2 "Set" lines and changed 3 "if" lines, but to frame the changes better I included the whole block):
Rem Clean up any / in the genres, which would be invalid for a directory name, and get them ready to be parsed
set genres=%genres:/=%
set genres=%genres: =%
set genres=%genres:,= %
set ORIGDIR=%configdir%\%title%
set BASEDIR="%configdir%\.."
echo Processing %title% ...
if %isbluray%=="True" goto BDFOLDERS
if %slot%=="KidsSeries" goto KIDSSERIES
if %slot%=="KidsMovies" goto KIDSMOVIES
if %slot%=="Series" goto SERIES
if %slot%=="Movies" goto MOVIES
if %slot%=="Asian" goto ASIAN
To look like this :
Rem Clean up any / in the genres, which would be invalid for a directory name, and get them ready to be parsed
set genres=%genres:/=%
set genres=%genres: =%
set genres=%genres:,= %
set ORIGDIR=%configdir%\%title%
set BASEDIR="%configdir%\.."
set family=%genres:*Family=True&rem.%
set television=%genres:*Television=True&rem.%
echo Processing %title% ...
if %isbluray%=="True" goto BDFOLDERS
if %family%==True if %television%==True goto KIDSSERIES
if %family%==True if not %television%==True goto KIDSMOVIES
if %television%==True goto SERIES
if %slot%=="Movies" goto MOVIES
if %slot%=="Asian" goto ASIAN
You can add any genres you want by adding another variable and set line followed up with another catgetegory block. For example, if you wanted to add a separate folder for Documentaries, you would add this up in teh set sections
set documentary=%genres:*Documentary=True&rem.%
then follow it up with a check for it in the if statement block :
if %documentary%==True goto DOCUMENTARIES
and add a new category block for organizing, or use an existing one if you want (match the name with the goto in the "if" line.
set DIR=%BASEDIR%\Documentaries\%title%
If you put the "if" statement above the if that checks for Bluray, then all Documentaries will go into the folder you specify, if you put it below, then the BDs will go into the Bluray folder and the rest will go into the one you specify.
Hope that is clear enough, if not just post a request and tell me the sorting behavior and folder you want and I will post the code changed needed.
P.S. Sorry I am late in posting this, it took me a bit longer than anticipated to figure out how to pull the needed data from the genres. I keep whining about wanting to do this in PERL, or even VBS, but it is interesting to learn about the capabilities of DOS/Batch.