So here's my home cinema story.
In the early 80s, I convinced my parents to become early adopters of the VCR. We purchased a very expensive Philips Video 2000 VCR. The format never got of the ground due to bad quality players, and 2 years later it was broken. We then switched to VHS. All of this was hooked up to 4:3 CRT. I used the VCR mainly to tape TV Broadcast movies and rent movies.
In 1997, after my grandmother passed away, I inherited her TV. Installed it with a VHS VCR in my room.
In 1998, I moved to my own place, and took the TV and VCR with me. In 1999, I finally purchased a widescreen Sony WEGA 27" CRT, which I hooked up to my stereo.
In the summer of 2000, I added a Region Free Pioneer DV-525 DVD player, and also hooked it up to the stereo. A few months later, I decided to add a Yamaha DSP A595a 5.1 amplifier, including 2 rear speakers, center speaker and subwoofer, all B&W. I kept my Celestion DL-10 as front speakers.
In 2005, I added a Pioneer DVR-530H DVD recorder. This setup remained active until 1999.
December 2006, I decided it was time to get an LCD screen. I bought a Sony KDL-46V2000 HD ready TV, since a full HD was out of my budget range. Besides, I figured by the time I had a full HD device, this TV would be 7 years old, and ready for replacement. Around this time, I added INDI digital TV.
July 2007, I bought a Region Free Pioneer DV-400-S upscaling DVD player, and knew I was way off in my assumption. I also upgraded my INDI digital TV to INDI digital HD TV.
In 2007, the Hi-Def format war was on, and I decided to wait for it to end. When in the end Blu-Ray won, I decided to get ready for it, and upgrade my 5.1 amplifier, with an Onkyo TX-SR 705 7.1 receiver. I also decided to add 2 studio Behringer b2031P studio monitors to fully use the upcoming 7.1
In april 2008, I also bought a Panasonic DMP-BD30 Region B blu-ray player. In november 2008, my employer offered a TV/Laptop purchase program with interesting prices. I sold my HD ready LCD and replaced it with a Sony KDL-46W4500 Full HD TV.
I've never been very happy with my rear B&W DM-305 speakers. They were only 2-way, and especially when listening to music, I felt the complete mid-range spectrum was missing. So I moved my Celestion DL-10 speakers to the rear. I added JBL ES100 speakers in the front. This was a very welcome improvement.
In januari 2010, I removed my DVD and DVD recorder from my setup. To be able to play my Region 1 DVD's, I added a Panasonic DMP-BD60 Region A player. In february 2010, I decided to switch to Belgacom Digital TV.
Below, you can find a few images.
My entrance hall, with my 5.25 ft high poster of King Arthur.

My rear setup, Behringer Studio monitors on top. Below, one of my Celestion Speakers, the other one is just out of frame.

And finally, the front view.