When I run a query against my cover scans (looking for missing or matching), DVD Profiler crashes with the following truly useless native call stack:
> ntdll.dll!RtlUnwind(void * TargetFrame=0x00081760, void * TargetIp=0x759c8ac2, _EXCEPTION_RECORD * ExceptionRecord=0x0008138c, void * ReturnValue=0x00000000) Line 706 + 0x15 bytes C
msvcr80.dll!_UnwindNestedFrames(EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x00081760, EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0008138c) Line 241 C++
msvcr80.dll!CatchIt(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0008138c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x00000000, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x000813dc, void * pDC=0x00081360, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x7a35ee50, const _s_HandlerType * pCatch=0x7a39e528, const _s_CatchableType * pConv=0x00000000, const _s_TryBlockMapEntry * pEntry=0x00000000, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000, unsigned char IsRethrow='Ð') Line 1259 C++
msvcr80.dll!FindHandlerForForeignException(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0008138c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x00081760, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x000813dc, void * pDC=0x00081360, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x7a35ee50, int curState=1, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000) Line 974 + 0x1c bytes C++
msvcr80.dll!FindHandler(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0008138c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x00081760, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x000813dc, void * pDC=0x00081360, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x7a35ee50, unsigned char recursive=0, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000) Line 866 + 0x19 bytes C++
msvcr80.dll!__InternalCxxFrameHandler(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x0008138c, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x00081760, _CONTEXT * pContext=0x000813dc, void * pDC=0x00081360, const _s_FuncInfo * pFuncInfo=0x7a35ee50, int CatchDepth=0, EHRegistrationNode * pMarkerRN=0x00000000, unsigned char recursive=0) Line 524 + 0x19 bytes C++
msvcr80.dll!__CxxFrameHandler3(EHExceptionRecord * pExcept=0x00081760, EHRegistrationNode * pRN=0x000813dc, void * pContext=0x00081360, void * pDC=0x000816d0) Line 311 + 0x19 bytes C++
ntdll.dll!ExecuteHandler2@20() Line 228 Asm
ntdll.dll!ExecuteHandler@20() Line 188 Asm
ntdll.dll!_KiUserExceptionDispatcher@8() Line 467 Asm
mscorwks.dll!EEHeapAllocInProcessHeap(unsigned long dwFlags=0, unsigned long dwBytes=512) Line 571 + 0xa bytes C++
mscorwks.dll!operator new[](unsigned int n=512) Line 769 + 0xb bytes C++
mscorwks.dll!SBuffer::ReallocateBuffer(unsigned int allocation=512, SBuffer:

reserve preserve=DONT_PRESERVE) Line 43 C++
mscorwks.dll!SString::Resize(unsigned int count=255, SString::Representation representation=REPRESENTATION_UNICODE, SBuffer:

reserve preserve=DONT_PRESERVE) Line 2372 + 0x10 bytes C++
mscorwks.dll!SString::LoadResourceAndReturnHR(int resourceID=8289, int quiet=1) Line 50 C++
mscorwks.dll!SString::LoadResource(int resourceID=8289, int quiet=1) Line 19 + 0xb bytes C++
mscorwks.dll!EEPolicy::LogFatalError(unsigned int exitCode=2147943401, unsigned int address=2046958903, const unsigned short * pszMessage=0x00000000, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionInfo=0x00000000) Line 1050 + 0xf bytes C++
mscorwks.dll!EEPolicy::HandleFatalError(unsigned int exitCode=2147943401, unsigned int address=2046958903, const unsigned short * pszMessage=0x00000000, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionInfo=0x00000000) Line 1214 C++
mscorwks.dll!Thread::RestoreGuardPage() Line 11742 + 0x14 bytes C++
mscorwks.dll!EEPolicy::LogFatalError(unsigned int exitCode=2147943401, unsigned int address=2046958903, const unsigned short * pszMessage=0x00000000, _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionInfo=0x00000000) Line 1071 C++
[tons more of this junk deleted]
I will try to get a managed debugger on this and see if it makes any more sense.