Sorry folks, I wrote a horrible post as I see no one could understand what I am talking about.

I'm not talking about submitting or downloading from the general database. I am talking about the relationship between what I enter into DVD Profiler here on my home computer to what I see in
my collection online after I upload it via Online > DVD Profiler Online > Synchronize with DVD Profiler Online.
For example, imagine I wanted to be snarky, so on my home computer I change the DVD Title and Edition Fields of "Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones (widescreen)" to "Plan Clone from Outer Space (This Movie Sucks)." After I synchronize with DVD Profiler Online, I would visit
my collection online and find it now shows, on the left frame, that I own "Plan Clone from Outer Space (This Movie Sucks)."
When you visit your collection online, you click on a title in the left list frame to bring up a database profile on the right frame. My question was about the fact that sometimes the
header of the online right frame showed my "new title" and sometimes it did not.
Having played with it a little bit more, I think I have found that DVD Profiler has different levels of synchronization with your online collection. It looks like if you merely add a couple of new DVDs, the program will only addendum to what the online collection has, and not really re-write your whole collection. But if you do something more drastic, like renumber your collection, then the synchronization will completely redo your online collection and
only then pick up things like title changes for the right display.
So if you enjoy the online aspect of showing off your collection to your friends, this is sort of a
hack to DVD Profiler. One could clear out the edition fields of every title in your collection and replace it with your own mini-review to guide your friends about what you have in your collection. Imagine your friends visiting your collection URL to find this:
The Bugaloos (guilty pleasure)
Citizen Kane (best ever film)
Family Guy: Volume One (soooo funny)
Dr. No (1st Connery Bond)
Jackie Brown (this movie rocks)
On Her Majesty's Secret Service (best Bond film)
Once Upon a Time in the West (awesome western)
John Carpenter's The Thing (seen it 200 times)
So now I hope everyone understands what I was talking about, sorry for the confusion. I think I've discovered the answer to my original question, but if I'm way off base on something please reply.