About Alternate Versions |
Alternate Versions allow more than one entry in our online database to share the same UPC/EAN or Disc ID. For more details on what they are and how to create them, see our alternate versions info page.
When to Use Alternate Versions |
Alternate versions are designed to solve three general cases:
- Updated re-releases of a title under the same UPC/EAN/Disc ID
- Use for: Two or more releases of the same title with largely different cover images (e.g. Disc ID profiles shared among different box sets).
- Use for: Two or more releases of the same title with significantly different content. (UPC/EAN only)
The first added entry uses the base UPC/EAN/Disc ID, and subsequent additions use the next available alternate version.
- Unrelated releases of different titles that share the same UPC/EAN
- Use for: Two or more releases of different films/shows which share the same UPC.
The first added entry uses the base UPC/EAN, and subsequent additions use the next available alternate version.
Note: In prior program releases, subsequent versions were added by Disc ID. These entries will be replaced with UPC/EAN alternate IDs.
- More than one film on the same side of a single disc (including Bonus Feature Films)
- Use for: Different films on the same side of a single disc.
- Do not use for: Different cuts of the same film
The first added entry uses the base Disc ID, and subsequent additions use the next available alternate version.
When Not to Use |
- Alternate versions are not used for contributing profiles for shorts or episode-level profiles for TV series.
- Alternate versions are not used for releases with the same UPC/EAN/Disc ID which are already differentiated by locality.
Examples |
- A release with a single UPC/EAN, with each movie on its own disc, or on its own side of a disc:
- UPC Entry: (Movie 1/Movie 2) data
- Disc ID A Entry (Side A): Movie 1 data
- Disc ID B Entry (Second disc, or Side B): Movie 2 data
- A release with a single UPC/EAN, with two movies on the same side of the same disc:
- UPC Entry: (Movie 1/Movie 2) data
- Disc ID A Entry: Movie 1 data
- Disc ID A Entry (Variant ID #1): Movie 2 data
- Note: Do not create and contribute a disc ID profile with multiple movies:
- UPC Entry: (Movie 1/Movie 2) data
- Disc ID A: (Movie 1/Movie 2) data
- Disc ID A Entry (Variant ID #1): Movie 1 data
- Disc ID A Entry (Variant ID #2): Movie 2 data
TV Series |
Contribution Notes  |