Copy the overview from the back of the DVD case exactly as written,
including capitalization of words exactly as shown on the back of the case.
Separate all paragraphs with a blank line.
Use the Bold and/or Italic features for any words in the overview that are
bold and/or italic as needed to match the case. Exceptions: If the entire
overview uses an uppercase or lowercase font, enter the overview using standard
capitalization rules for the locality of the DVD. If the entire overview is bolded
or italicized, omit this formatting.
Do not bold or italicize individual letters
(as in the case of dropped capitals beginning a paragraph).
Do not use bold/italic to denote color changes.
Never include the following items in overviews:
Reviews (unless they are incorporated into the text of the overview on the case)
Extra features
Hyperlinks or other HTML
- Line-break hyphens
For multi-language cases, use only the language of the DVDs locality.
If the Main Feature of the disc is a collection of some kind (e.g. shorts, TV episodes, multiple films, etc.) rather than one single feature, a simple list of the collection contents may be added to the standard overview. Example:
1. Title
2. Title
3. Title
When there is no overview on the case, add a simple, self-written overview of
1-2 paragraphs. Do not include spoilers and always match the overview language
to the profile's locality.
For Concert / Music Videos you may include a listing of Song titles and length,
if available.
Easter Eggs 
Easter Eggs are extra features hidden on the disc and not accessible through an
obvious menu option. Be sure to match language of the Easter eggs to the
profile's locality.
Never include:
Extra features accessible through normal menu options.
Continuity Errors
Normal extras that you think may be overlooked